Translate mRemoteNG

We are now using for translations.

To get started, go here:

Test the Translation

To compile the resx file yourself, you will need two programs from the Windows SDK, resgen.exe and al.exe.

You can download the Windows SDK Installer here:

The option you will need to install is .NET Development\Tools. You don't need to install anything else.

First, use resgen.exe to compile the .resx file into a .resources file (replace [XX] with the language code):

 resgen.exe /compile Language.[XX].resx 

Then, use al.exe to compile the .resources file into a .dll file:

 al.exe /out:mRemoteNG.resources.dll /culture:pl /embedresource:Language.[XX].resources 

Create a folder under your mRemoteNG installation named the same as the language code and put this .dll file in it.

Finally, edit the SupportedUICultures section at the very bottom of mRemoteNG.exe.config. Add a comma and the language code to the end of the list. Save the .config file and open mRemoteNG.

Translate the Installer